About CCT

Our Prime Objective
Our Prime Objective is to provide controlled video access to correctional institutions, allowing each facility to select the best programming available and control the programming and viewing times.

We’re Experienced
Correctional Cable TV began providing satellite television service to Correctional Facilities in the early 1990s. With this experience, we understand the importance of a cable system within Correctional Facilities for the inmates as well as the Administrators and Officers. We strive to provide the best quality programming at an affordable monthly cost.

The Largest Satellite Provider in the Correction Industry
Correctional Cable TV is the largest satellite provider in the Correction Industry and the best source for educational and entertainment programming within Correctional facilities.
Correctional Cable TV Programming
CCT allows each Facility to create a Programming Package to fit its specific viewing needs. Rates are based on the Facility’s population, the number of televisions and the channel selection of each Facility.
To complement your Programming Package, we also offer Local Broadcast Channels and Dedicated Channels. The Dedicated Channels allow you to relay text messages to the inmates over a specific television channel.
CCT will furnish, install and maintain all necessary equipment to provide the programming that YOU select. There is no up-front cost for equipment and installation, only one low monthly rate for the complete package, including programming and continuous service throughout the term of the contract.

Our Services

Satellite Television

On Screen Guide

Dedicated Channels